Vitamin Injections

Healthy skin and a healthy body are the cornerstones of well-being. There are many ways to become healthier versions of ourselves, including regular exercise and eating a balanced diet. Vitamin injections are a way to get an extra boost beyond what your everyday supplements can give you.

Beyond their aesthetic benefits, vitamin injections provide health benefits that extend beyond radiant-looking skin. From boosting energy levels, refreshing the body, strengthening the immune system, improving cognitive function and even aiding in weight loss, the power of vitamins delivered through injections has captured the attention of individuals looking to improve their quality of life.


What are Vitamin Injections?

Vitamin injections deliver essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. This allows for faster absorption and ensures that a higher concentration of vitamins reaches the cells in need. Injecting vitamins directly can improve issues like poor gastrointestinal absorption or reduced nutrient intake can be improved.

Vitamin injections offer a convenient way to optimize nutrient intake without relying solely on oral supplements or dietary changes. They provide quick results by delivering vitamins directly into the bloodstream for maximum absorption and benefits such as increased energy levels and improved immune function.

How Do They Work?

Vitamin injections deliver essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. This allows for faster absorption and ensures that a higher concentration of vitamins reaches the cells in need. By injecting vitamins directly, we can overcome issues with poor gastrointestinal absorption or reduced nutrient intake.

After a thorough consultation, we will prepare a customized blend of vitamins to assess your needs. A small needle is used to inject the mixture into a muscle. Once injected, the vitamins are quickly absorbed by red blood cells and distributed throughout your body. These concentrated doses help support various bodily functions such as immune system functioning, energy production, collagen synthesis, and cell regeneration.

Benefits of Vitamin injections

Improved Absorption

One significant benefit of vitamin injections is their ability to boost energy levels, particularly B vitamins, which are crucial in converting food into energy. Many people experience fatigue or low energy due to deficiencies in these essential nutrients. However, with vitamin injections, individuals can replenish their B vitamin stores quickly and effectively, resulting in increased vitality and enhanced overall well-being.

Increased Energy Levels

One significant benefit of vitamin injections is their ability to boost energy levels. B vitamins, in particular, play a crucial role in converting food into energy. Many people may experience fatigue or low energy due to deficiencies in these essential nutrients. By receiving a vitamin injection, individuals can replenish their B vitamin stores quickly and effectively, resulting in increased vitality and enhanced overall well-being.

Enhances Immune Function

The Tri-Immune blend includes three power-packed vitamins to help support your immune system: vitamin C, zinc, and glutathione. This blend helps fortify your body when germs are making the rounds. It’s great for your overall health and wellness and boosting your immune response. Boosting immunity with vitamin injections helps reduce the risk of illness while promoting faster recovery from common ailments like colds or flu.

Beyond Skin Aesthetic’s Vitamin Injections

Zinc is crucial to the immune system, skin health, wound healing, growth and development, and reproductive health. Zinc also plays an essential role in many cellular processes, making it vital to a healthy life. It offers a myriad of benefits to BSA clients.

Glutathione injections offer numerous benefits as a powerful antioxidant. This natural substance aids in detoxification processes within the body while protecting against free radicals that may contribute to aging and chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. Using glutathione through injection rather than oral supplementation ensures optimal absorption and effectiveness. These injections enhance skin health by brightening complexion, reducing hyperpigmentation, and promoting even skin tone.

Vitamin D3 is essential for bone health, helping maintain strong, healthy bones and prevent bone disease. It also contributes to heart health, positive mood, and hormonal balance and may play a role in preventing cancer. Vitamin D3 injections are an excellent option for those who don’t get enough vitamin D from their diet or don’t spend enough time in the sunlight. These injections help your body absorb calcium, leading to healthier bones and teeth. It may also help with feelings of fatigue.

Vitamin C injections are popular for their immune-boosting properties. They contain a high concentration of ascorbic acid, which is the most bioavailable form of vitamin C. These injections effectively support collagen production, reduce skin damage, and improve overall skin health. Vitamin C injections can also help protect against common colds and flu by strengthening the immune system. Vitamin C is included in the tri-immune blend mentioned above, which is tailor-made to help fortify the immune system and boost energy — particularly during cold & flu season.

Vitamin B12 is one of our most popular injections. It helps support your mood as well as your cardiac and neurologic health. It may also promote healthy digestion and increase energy levels. This injection is an especially good option for vegans and vegetarians who may be missing out on B12, which is normally found in meat, fish, and dairy products. It can also help with those who have difficulty absorbing B12.

Lipo+ helps the body metabolize fat and can support people on their weight loss journey by promoting liver health and ensuring that bodily processes that contribute to fat breakdown are functioning as efficiently as possible. Our Lipo+ injection compound consists of vitamin D3, lipo+, vitamin B12, amino acids, zinc, and glutathione.

The Lipo-B Blend contains several compounds that assist with fat breakdown, including a range of B vitamins. It also helps boost your metabolism and increases energy levels.

The Lipo-C Blend can assist with your weight loss journey. The combination of amino acids and vitamins helps aid in muscle repair. When used with a regular exercise regimen and a healthy diet, it can also help promote mental clarity, preserve lean muscle mass, and boost your metabolism.

The Ultra Burn blend combines many of the same benefits of the Lipo B and Lipo C blends with the added perk of boosting the metabolic conversion of fats and carbohydrates to energy. It’s one of the most concentrated injections to help your metabolism, energy levels, and weight loss. It works synergistically with your diet and exercise regimens to help you achieve your health goals.

Cost of Vitamin Injections

The final cost of your vitamin injection treatment depends on the blend you choose and your treatment goals. Clients have the best outcomes when they choose to invest in a treatment package. To get an accurate estimate for the treatment you plan on having, schedule a consultation with Beyond Skin Aesthetics today for a personalized quote.

Frequently Asked Questions

You have to get a good-faith exam to receive vitamin injections. During this time, you can discuss the frequency of injections with your BSA provider. Most people get vitamin injections on a weekly basis. We also recommend getting them at the beginning of the day so you can appreciate the energy boost all day long.

While rare, some individuals may experience mild side effects after receiving a vitamin injection. These can include redness or swelling at the injection site and temporary dizziness or nausea. While vitamin injections are virtually painless, your may have a funny taste in your mouth afterward.

Depending on your needs and concerns, we can inject various vitamins. Some of the more commonly administered vitamins include B12, glutathione, Vitamin D3, and Vitamin C. Beyond Skin Aesthetics also offers Propatch+, a transdermal patch with an 8-hour slow release of vitamins, and other patches that allow you to avoid injections like Scultpatch, Vitripatch, and Renew Patch.

Experience Beyond Skin Aesthetics

Ready to experience the benefits of vitamin injections? Whether you’re looking to boost your energy levels, improve your immune system, or enhance your overall well-being, our team is dedicated to providing top-quality care in a comfortable setting. Take your health and wellness to a new level by scheduling an appointment with Beyond Skin Aesthetics today.